Monday, January 23, 2006

What on earth have I let myself in for ? Posted by Picasa

That's the ridge down, and those are some mountains. We won't climb those just yet. Posted by Picasa

View of the glacier from l'Aiguille du Midi. Posted by Picasa

View all the way down from l'Aiguille du Midi. Posted by Picasa

All dressed up ....... ready to go. Posted by Picasa

Forget the mountains ..... check us out. Posted by Picasa

Don't stand on the bloody rope with your crampons. Posted by Picasa

There's a long way to go yet. And I'm already blimmin' cold. Posted by Picasa

Nice view from the bottom of the ridge. Posted by Picasa

The ridge. Third time. I don't ever need to do that again. Posted by Picasa

You're facing the wrong way boys. Posted by Picasa

Did yo enjoy that little run, Marek ? Posted by Picasa

Looking back at l'Aiguille du Midi. Posted by Picasa

Mer de Glace on the way to Cosmiques. Posted by Picasa

That's it, I'm done for the day, thanks. Posted by Picasa

Oooh, yes, I can fly, Posted by Picasa

Enjoy the sun while you can. Posted by Picasa

That was easy. Posted by Picasa

Happiness is a sunny afternoon at Cosmiques. Posted by Picasa

The Three Chocolatiers. All for (Tobler)one and (Tobler)one for all. Posted by Picasa

We, the conquerors ..... um ... Posted by Picasa

Cosmiques as the sun goes down. Posted by Picasa

Mer de Glace on Saturday afternoon. Posted by Picasa

It's a long way down from Cosmiques. Posted by Picasa

Lovely Chamonix valley. Posted by Picasa

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